nameElena Morales
nicknamesElle, Ellie, Ellie Belly (only her niece can use this)
dob/age5.15.1994, 30
hometownbrooklyn, ny
current residencevenice beach, ca
occupationfoley artist
statusstraight & mostly ready to mingle?


THE GOOD & BAD adventurous. sense of humor. creative. 'come as you are'. loyal to a fault: "were you silent, or were you SILENCED?" bitingly honest. flirtatious. cynical. can be emotionally shut down. stubborn. impatient. do not give her brown liquor. tunnel vision when focused.
history Elena was born to Hispanic parents on a hazy spring day in Brooklyn. Her mother left when Elena was a young child, and her pop was the "Next Big Thing" sorta guy. He owned and worked at a local mattress store, dubbing himself Brooklyn's Matress King. He was known around the neighborhood as a good guy. Loyal to a fault, everyone knew Jamie Morales was good for a lot of things; promises, a good deal on a queen-sized pillow top, and loving his little girl. Unfortunately, bad luck seemed to follow him like a second shadow. He was always in search of the next big thing to change the deck of cards fate had dealt him. He married Elena's mom, Maria when they were both too young and far too crazy in love. Her family didn't approve of him, and maybe on some level Maria knew she was too good for him, but Jamie was convinced he'd love her so much and so hard it wouldn't matter. Pregnant at only twenty-years-old, motherhood wasn't something she was prepared for and when Elena was eight, decided to leave the title behind. She's kept in touch with Elena over the years. But the cadence of it has always been unpredictable.
Jamie doted and spoiled her, doing his best to make up for the loss of her mother and his world revolved around her. She was always the sole motivation behind his get rich schemes. He tried 'em all; every seemingly profitable opporunity, he took, even if it meant (nearly) bleeding his bank account dry. "It'll all work out mija," was a saying Jamie often repeated. And it usually did, until he had to file for bankrupcy when Elena was thirteen. After that, he moved them out to Los Angeles where they lived with Jamie's sister Lucia and her husband until Jamie was able to get them back on their feet. Despite the financial set-back, the move turned out to be the best decision he could've made for himself and his daughter. They both thrived on the West Coast. Elena's aunt quickly became her mother figure, and her husband took Jamie on as an employee in his residential contracting business. Eventually, Jaime was able to move them out into a small fixer upper (emphasis on the fixer upper part). To this day, he still resides in the modest home he worked on throughout the years until it he got it "just right".

from high school, unsure about what she wanted, elena took a break in her education. her indecision over her future manisted in the various paths she found herself walking down. intent on seeing the world, she became a flight attendant for a while. then there was the interest in graphic design. perhaps a foray into real estate? she even considered following her dad's footsteps and joining him in the contracting world. throughout high school, elena worked summers with jaime and her uncle and found she not only enjoyed the work, but had a strong aptitiude for it. in the end, while working as a cocktail waitress at some random LA hotspot, elena quite literally stumbled into her career. while on her way to deliver a round of drinks, she tripped and dumped half of them atop an unsuspecting patron. he not only became her first serious relationship (and almost husband), but he opened her up to the other side of film and movies. he was a foley artist and elena's interest was immediately piqued as she dove headfirst into the profession. though the relationship didn't last, her passion for the industry did and to this day, she lives in venice and has made herself a name in the business.
NPC jamie (elena's father)
aunt rita (jamie's sister)
uncle eric (rita's husband)
mariah (elena's niece)